Pursue an education while serving your country.

The armed forces offer a Tuition Assistance (TA) program for active duty National Guard and reserve component service members to support their educational goals, including up to 100% tuition assistance for college courses taken during off-duty hours. While applying for TA is easy, it is different for each branch of service.

Branch of Service Application Instruction Benefit Amount
Air Force
Apply at my.af.mil $250 Semester Credit Hour or $4500 per year
Apply at goarmyed.com $250 Semester Credit Hour or $4000 per year
Apply at your local Navy College Office $250 Semester Credit Hour or $4500 per year

Apply with form NETPDTC 1560

$250 Semester Credit Hour or $4500 per year
Coast Guard
Apply with form CG 4147 Form available at www.uscg.mil $250 Semester Credit Hour or $4500 per year
National Guard
Apply with your local Guard Unit/Office $250 Semester Credit Hour or $4000 per year
Apply by visiting your respective military branch website $250 Semester Credit Hour or $4000 per year

Contact your local installation education office for more information. Note: Keep in mind that tuition assistance is a benefit and NOT an entitlement. TA is funded only if there are monies available to do so.

military-arrow.pngWhen submitting TA forms to Mayville State University, please submit them to:

Business Office
Phone: 701-788-4692
Fax: 701-788-4818
Email: business.office@mayvillestate.edu