Online Course Schedule
To search for online or distance Mayville State courses for the upcoming academic term, click here. You may need to change the semester you are searching to the upcoming semester, such as Spring 2025. Click "Change Term" and change to "Spring 2025".
See online courses and course descriptions in the MSU Academic Catalog.
Please note that the classes you choose may have special requirements. These requirements may be found under "Details" after clicking the link above.
If you are a new student, you must first apply and be admitted to MSU for the upcoming academic term before registering. Once admitted, you will be able to register by following the instructions listed below.
Current MSU students may register for online and distance classes when registration begins for the upcoming term by following these instructions:
- Talk to your advisor.
- Go to
- Click the blue circle that has a "C" to access Campus Connection (upper right of the page).
- Enter your Username and Password. Your User Name is the same as your login for ConnectND. Your password is identical to the password you use for ConnectND.
- From your Student Homepage, Click on the Financial Account tile.
- From the menu on the left, select "Sign Fin Obligation Agreement".
- Select the correct institution and term.
- Submit.
- Read through the terms of the agreement and select "I Agree" if you are willing to continue on these terms.
- Return to your Student Homepage to enroll in courses using this registration tutorial.
- Questions? Call the Enrollment Center at 701-788-4842.
- Students outside of North Dakota interested in online programs from Mayville State University should review the State Authorization webpage to determine programs available in your state.