Located on the lower level of the Old Main building, the Mayville State University mailroom handles package shipping and receiving for University students, faculty, staff, and departments.
Our Services
- Renting (free) a mail box to all students
- Sort all incoming mail and deliver it to mailboxes
- Notify box holders by e-mail when a package arrives for that person
- Maintain mailboxes and make mailbox assignments
- Sorting mail and packages addressed to University departments
- Send packages and mail via USPS, UPS, or FedEx
The mailroom does not sell stamps, but will take cash for postage or package fees. We’ll be happy to weigh your package and collect the postage required.
- The Mailroom also produces student/employee IDs.
Our Hours
Fall/Spring Semester Monday-Thursday, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, and 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm |
Summer and Breaks Monday-Friday, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm
You can access your mailbox M – F until Old Main closes, usually approximately 8:00pm. Window services are available Monday – Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and outgoing mail leaves campus about 2:10 pm. The mailroom (the Old Main building) is not open on holidays or snowdays.
Addressing Mail
Please use the following format to send mail to students:
Student Name |
Policy Considerations
- The student is issued a mail box key. Replacement keys are not available for lost keys; broken keys can be replaced for $10. If the key is lost, we will replace the lock. The cost for this is $35.
- Packages for students who do not hold a mail box may be returned without notifying the student. If you are mailing a package to a student who does not have a mail box, please put “New Student” or “Enrolled Student” and we’ll try.
- We don’t have a method to refrigerate packages. If a student is expecting a package with perishable items, it’s important they come promptly to collect their package.
- We have purchased a contact-free package notification and “sign as received” system. Bear with us as it is implemented.
- “Last semester” students who are not registered for “this semester” will have first class mail forwarded for sixty days; unless temporary arrangements are made packages will be returned to sender. Students who are not registered for the summer must be registered for the fall to use the mailroom during the summer.