Sexual Violence



Substance Abuse

Mayville State University complies with federal laws regarding the adoption and the public distribution of a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP).



Sexual Assault or Harassment

Mayville State University responds to reports of sexual assault or other sexual- or gender-based harassment seriously.  

If you believe you have been subjected to sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual or gender-based harassment by a student, employee or third party or have been retaliated against for reporting such behavior, please consult the University’s Policy M613, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Compliance.

The Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Compliance Policy is organized as a central, unified policy that covers students, employees, visitors, guests or other third-parties within the University’s control.  You may report prohibited conduct to the Title IX Coordinator listed above by telephone, email, or in person during regular office hours.  If you have any questions about the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Compliance Policy, please contact the Title IX Coordinator

Alcohol and other Drugs

Mayville State University recognizes the use of alcohol and other drugs can significantly interfere with fulfilling the mission of the University and pose a serious threat to the health and well-being of the members of this community. We work to support students in achieving their personal and academic potential. Read more about Mayville State policies related to alcohol and other drugs. We also write and submit a regular report about our policies and programs related to alcohol and other drug, and other health-related, issues on our campus. 

Students concerned about alcohol use can take advantage of the university's subscription to E Checkup to Go, a program that helps people to complete a self-assessment. The university does not and cannot retain the info the survey-taker puts into the instrument. The more honest you are, the better the information you will get back.

    On-line Training

    Mayville State University partners with a national company to provide resources for students related to the use of alcohol and other drugs, and avoiding the abuse of these substances; and provides a training related to sexual behaviors and misbehaviors that pose a serious threat to members of this community.

    This training is available online, generally in mid-July. We expect all new students under the age of 21 to complete these modules. They are available to any student or employee upon request.