Title IX at Mayville State University

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.  If only one of an educational institution’s programs or activities receives federal funding, all of the programs within the institution must comply with Title IX and its implementing regulations. Consistent with this obligation, Mayville State University prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex in academics, employment, and all of its programs and activities.

The United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Title IX. Information regarding OCR may be found at www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html. The penalty for failure to comply with Title IX, in the most extreme circumstances, may include the termination of all or part of an institution’s federal funding. This includes grants, subsidies, and other program funds from the federal government.

Compliance with Title IX is everyone’s responsibility. The information below provides an overview of who you may contact with questions about Title IX, confidential resources, how a student or employee can complain about conduct that violates Title IX, and the University’s policy on retaliation.

On-Campus Resources

Corday Goddard
Dean of Student Affairs
Interim Title IX Coordinator
Old Main, Room 112C
Phone: (701) 788-4770
Email: corday.goddard@mayvillestate.edu


Off-Campus Resources

Traill County Sheriff's Department
Phone: (701) 636-4510

Policies and Procedures

M520.01 Title IX/Sexual Misconduct and Sexual- and Gender-Based Discrimination Policy

MP520.02 Title IX/Sexual Misconduct and Sexual- and Gender-Based Discrimination Procedure

Confidential Resources

There are some places you can go to make a confidential report of sexual violence. F-M Rape & Abuse Crisis Center, Mayville State University Counselor, Sanford Hospital in Mayville, and Mayville State University's Employee Assistance Program will not report incidents of sexual violence to the Title IX Coordinator in a way that identifies the complainant without the complainant's consent. You can make a confidential report and still receive counseling or other services through these resources.

Confidential Resources:

F-M Rape & Abuse Crisis Center (Available 24 hours)
Phone: 1-800-344-7273
Email: info@raccfm.com

Mayville State University Counselor - Hanna Kaster
Phone: 701-788-4772
Email: hanna.kaster@mayvillestate.edu

Sanford Hospital - Mayville
phone: 701-788-3800

Mayville State University's Employee Assistance Program
Phone: 1-800-627-8220

Reports of Sexual Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence

If you believe you have been subjected to sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual or gender-based harassment by a student, employee or third party or have been retaliated against for reporting such behavior, please consult the University’s Policy M520.01 Title IX/Sexual Misconduct and Sexual- and Gender-Based Discrimination Policy.

The Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Compliance Policy is organized as a central, unified policy that covers students, employees, visitors, guests or other third-parties within the University’s control.  You may report prohibited conduct to the Title IX Coordinator listed above by telephone, email, or in person during regular office hours.  If you have any questions about the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Compliance Policy, please contact the Title IX Coordinator. 

Under Title IX, all of Mayville State University employees, excluding Mayville State University’s Counselor, are required to report complaints of sexual violence and sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. They are not allowed to keep a report of sexual violence completely confidential. This is because Mayville State University has resources and support available to help. We are concerned for the safety and well-being of the victim as well as the campus and community.

Respecting your privacy is important to Mayville State University. A complainant's privacy concerns are weighed against the needs of Mayville State University to respond to acts of harassment, including acts of sexual violence. To the greatest extent possible, all reports will remain private. Information will only be shared with individuals who need to know to provide resources for the complainant, to protect the safety of the campus community or for investigative needs.

You have choices. If you do not want your name revealed to the respondent, Mayville State University will do its best to honor that request. Our ability to fully respond may be limited.

Retaliation is prohibited.

Retaliation against any person who initiates any inquiry or compliant or participates in the investigation of a compliant is prohibited. Such conduct will be further cause for disciplinary action.