What are Peer Leaders?
Peer Leaders are upper-class students who completed the Seminar on Success (SOS) class as freshmen. They have been recommended by faculty and staff, and are then selected through an application and interview process. Academic success, involvement in campus organizations, and knowledge of the Mayville State campus are essential to becoming a Peer Leader. Peer Leaders assist first-year students in their adjustment to college life by being available to assist with move-in weekend, being part of the SOS course, and by hosting events on campus.
How do I become a Peer Leader?
Students interested in becoming a peer leader must complete the online application and go through an interview process. The application is sent out to students who are recommended in the spring and then open to all students.
There is an interview process with applicants, who are in sophomore standing or above and have a good understanding of campus.
Please review the Peer Leader position description for more information. You can also reach out to a current peer leader for more information.
2022-2023 Peer Leaders
Front row:
Lauryn Wolfgram, Jami Zaun, Kylee St. Croix, Molly Halsa, Zoe Agnes, Sadie Mathews, Gracee Traurig
Back row:
Isaiah Barbee, Gunnar Petersen, Nick Rexine, Trevor Gravseth, Kade Susie