Teacher Professional Development

Comet Credit

Comet Credit is a Cafeteria Plan for Professional Development

Mayville State University Offers Comet Credit for educators searching for a personalized way to earn continuing education credits for license renewal or lane changes.

There are 2 ways to accumulate the 15 hours needed to earn Comet Credit:

Option 1: Workshop Verification

Attend 15 hours of administrator approved, direct contact workshops or educational training­­ (in person or virtual).  Educational workshops can be those hosted within your school district, local education cooperatives, or through college/community partners.  Trainings should be educational in nature and build your capacity as an educator. After the completion of 15 hours of workshops/trainings complete the ­­­­Comet Credit Workshop Verification form.  All verification forms must be signed by your district administrator.

Comet Credit Workshop Verification Form.docx 

Option 2: Personalized Learning Plan

Create a personalized learning plan to meet your individual needs. Pre-approval from a district administrator is required.  After the completion of 15 hours of personalized learning, complete the Comet Credit Personalized Learning Verification form

  • Learn a new technology or app.  This may include new features on Schoology, Google Classrooms or Online Text Books to name a few.  Apply the new technology in your classroom, reflect on effectiveness and adjust implementation.
  • Design individualized learning events such as a book study, PLC or training
  • Attend traditional or non-traditional professional develop events such as The Governor’s Summit on Innovative Education or other Education related events/speakers.
  • Participate in online trainings related to content areas or aligned to district goals.
  • Implement new strategies or interventions then reflect on and plan for how to improve teaching practices.

Comet Credit Personalized Learning Verification.docx

If you would like more information about current or future PD offerings, contact Jeni Peterson.