The President's Weekly Newspaper Column

Dr. Brian Van Horn's column for local area newspapers.

Annual golf tournament honors the memory of Mayville State icon Harvey McMullen

The annual Harvey McMullen Memorial Golf Tournament is scheduled for Friday, July 13, 2018 at the Mayville Golf Course. The 4-person scramble is open to all men and women.…

Summer is a busy time at Mayville State

Many may think that after graduation festivities in the spring, things become very quiet at Mayville State. That is not true, however. We find summer to be a very busy time on…

MSU will recognize distinguished alumni and friends at June 22 dinner

We’re very excited about plans that are being made for Alumni Day, Friday, June 22. With all the good things happening at Mayville State, there is much to celebrate. We hope you’ll…

Durant’s Mayville State experiences gave her a firm foundation for the future

Mayville State has a history of providing a wonderful basis of pedagogy and experiences that set graduates of science programs on a path to success and fulfillment. Many further…

Enjoy an F-M RedHawks game with your Mayville State friends

We hope you’ll mark your calendar and plan to join your Mayville State friends at Newman Outdoor Field in Fargo Wednesday, June 27, Mayville State night with the Fargo-Moorhead…

Commencement is a wonderful celebration for graduates and degree candidates

Mayville State University’s 126th commencement was held Saturday afternoon, May 12. Nearly 200 individuals who had completed the requirements for their degrees at the end of the…

Hagens say, "Thank you for celebrating with us!"

Debbie and I had a very special time Friday night, May 4, at my retirement celebration held in the Luckason Room on the campus of Mayville State University. It was an evening…

Annual golf events provide social and fund-raising opportunities

The weekend of June 15-16 marks the 43rd annual Mayville State University Golf Classic. Activities are planned at Forest Hills Golf and RV Resort in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. The…

Commencement festivities planned for May 12

The people of Mayville State are busy preparing for a big celebration that will be held on campus May 12. The graduates have worked hard to reach this milestone and look forward…

Honor a loved one at the Mayville State Military Honor Garden

The Military Honor Garden, located on the grounds south of the Edson and Margaret Larson Alumni and Leadership Center at Mayville State, pays tribute not only to those who died…