The President's Weekly Newspaper Column

Dr. Brian Van Horn's column for local area newspapers.

Gearing up for the fall semester and a bit of normalcy while following safety guidelines

The Mayville State campus is beginning to buzz with activity. Student athletes are arriving, and football and volleyball players checked into the residence halls on Tuesday…

Safety efforts pave the way to our commitment to offering face-to-face instruction this fall

We eagerly await the return of students to the Mayville State campus for the fall semester. It will be great to restore our sense of community in a face-to-face situation, even if…

University and community partnerships are a win-win

Each of the state’s college campuses is an important component of that area’s local economy. Periodically, the North Dakota University System (NDUS) conducts a study that measures…

Health and safety at the forefront of plans for return to on-campus instruction and student services

We continue to make plans and preparations for our return to face-to-face instruction and services for students this fall. We’re excited to be able to make this big step toward a…

The Mayville State legacy of service to others continues

We often categorize those who are connected to Mayville State University as members of the Comet family. This title goes hand in hand with our signature moniker, “The School of…

Virtual orientation helps new Comets transition to life at Mayville State

Amid all the extra planning required due to the coronavirus pandemic, staff and faculty are busy preparing for the return of students to campus for face-to-face instruction in the…

Embracing opportunities and all that lies ahead

The coronavirus pandemic has no doubt upended life as we know it. There are still many unknowns, but one thing that we do know is that one of the best ways to slow or stop the…

Mayville State researchers studying mosquitoes this summer

With the return of summer to the area, also comes the return of mosquitoes. They are not only annoying pests, they are also potentially dangerous. On the flip side, they play an…

Research project at Mayville State has potential to make a big health care impact

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates ... Mayville State University Professor of Biology Dr. Khwaja Hossain and his team of Mayville State student…

NAIA announces guidelines for fall sports

We’ve been eagerly awaiting guidance from the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) regarding the fall sports season. You may know that Mayville State University…