Why Live on Campus?
Lifelong Friendships
Living on campus gives you the chance to meet tons of new people and develop lasting friendships. Residents are also able to participate in RHA and various hall events.
Dependable Staff
Each hall is equipped with live-in professional and student staff that are available to all residents. They are here for advice, referrals or simply when you need someone to talk to.
Residence Housing Assistance - 701-430-0020
Safety and security is a priority for all of our halls and apartments.
No Hidden Costs
Utilities, computer network and internet access and other amenities are included. Our housing rates cover it all!
Special Events
Together with our residents, our housing staff hosts activities designed to enhance the interaction among residence hall students. These events range from fun activities, such as dances, game nights and our annual Super Bowl Party, to group discussions of current campus and educational events and issues. Discussion topics include everything from the hazards of drugs and alcohol use to policy changes on campus. These events provide opportunities for you to make friends and be a part of a community, as well as develop leadership skills and influence the community environment in which you live.
National Research Proves that Residents Get Better Grades
Research has found that students who live on campus have a higher GPA than students who live off-campus.
All residence halls are close to class, the library, dining center and other campus resources.
No Commuting
Parking is free of charge for all residence hall students. Plus students are guaranteed parking spaces, saving time and money.
Choice of meal plans
Different meal plans are offered to fit your budget and schedule.