For the first time ever, the number of students enrolled at Mayville State University for the spring semester has surpassed 1,000. Final official enrollment numbers for Spring Semester 2014 recorded and reported as of February 10 show 1,020 students enrolled, a 4.0% increase over the number of students enrolled last spring.
Distance student enrollment is having a significant impact at Mayville State University. The number of distance students enrolled this spring is up 13.1% over last year. In addition, the number of dual credit students has increased 24.4%. The number of degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students is also up significantly, at increases of 8.6% and 7.9% respectively.
“The faculty and staff of Mayville State University have worked tirelessly to provide excellent and affordable educational opportunities for students studying on campus, as well as for those at a distance,” said Mayville State University President Dr. Gary Hagen. “We are pleased that more and more students are benefitting from the personal service brand of education for which Mayville State is known. It is gratifying to know that we are able to assist students from near and far who are in pursuit of their academic goals and dreams.”
Mayville State is expanding distance and online academic programs to all areas of North Dakota. Greater collaboration and coordination with two-year campuses is providing greater opportunities for academic programming in North Dakota. In an effort to expand opportunities for students, Mayville State collaborates with all North Dakota University System institutions.
Of the 2010, 2011, or 2012 Mayville State alumni who responded to university surveys, more than 80% of teacher education graduates are employed within North Dakota. Nearly 78% of those graduating with business or computer information systems degrees are similarly employed in the state. Based on a five-year average, 87% of non-teaching graduates find jobs in North Dakota. Mayville State’s satisfactory placement rate is consistently between 96% and 98%.
Mayville State University, the nation’s first Tablet PC campus, is a personable rural campus. Featuring technology-enriched education in which full-time, on-campus students are issued Tablet PC notebook computers, MSU is nationally identified for teacher education, the largest academic program on campus. Business administration and fitness and wellness are also popular majors on a campus known for the personal attention provided to its students.
Mayville State University offers exciting options to meet the diverse needs of today’s students. In addition to providing high quality educational opportunities for traditional on-campus students, the university offers accessible courses and degrees via a variety of delivery methods so that working adults may pursue educational goals while remaining close to their homes, families, and jobs. Distance students may enroll as non-degree-seekers or pursue degree programs in business administration, early childhood, mathematics, university studies, elementary education, early childhood education, special education, and mathematics education.