Mayville State Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (CRRSA Act)


The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 included additional COVID-19 relief through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act. This new COVID stimulus bill included $23 billion for higher education institutions and students, using the same Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) model established in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Guidance indicated that “institutions are required to prioritize grants to students demonstrating exceptional financial need, such as those who receive Pell Grants, when awarding relief grants.”  This CRRSAA round also allows grant awards to students exclusively enrolled in distance education programs. MSU then determined which students met these requirements and were currently enrolled, degree seeking students Spring 2021 semester.

Students were notified on March 8, 2021 to complete and submit the Mayville State HEERF II Application to apply for funds by March 26, 2021, if they have experienced exceptional need due to COVID-19.

There were 277 Pell-eligible students (Pell Group I) already identified as the students with exceptional need, so we removed them from the applicant list. We determined that 270 students from Pell Group I were eligible (7 ineligible due to non-enrollment at the time of disbursement) and would receive $450 each for a total of $121,500. From the applicant list (Applicant Group II), there were 142 (6 ineligible due to non-enrollment at the time of disbursement or non-citizen). This gives a total of 136 eligible applicants to receive $300, totaling $40,800. This gives a total of 406 students received HEERF II funds, totaling $162,500. $156,360 came from Student portion and $5,940 from Institutional funds.

Students were informed through their MSU email informing them of their disbursement.  Disbursements were processed on April 6,2021 via direct deposit. Students who did not have direct deposit established, were mailed checks to their home address (indicated in Campus Connection).

MSU’s allocation of HEERF II CRRSA Act has now been totally expended.

Initial Report:  4/16/2021