ND District 20 Legislative Forum

Feb 27th 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Education Building Room 118 - Stan Dakken Drive, Mayville, ND 58257

District 20 legislators, Senator Randy Lemm, Representative Mike Beltz, and Representative Jared Hagert, will provide updates about their work in the North Dakota Legislature at a forum planned for Saturday, Feb. 27, beginning at 1 p.m. The forum will be held in room 118 of the Education Building at Mayville State University.

In-person and online participation will be accommodated. Those who wish to participate virtually may join at the following link: https://mayvillestate.zoom.us/j/93212855013. Masks will be required for those who attend on campus. Everyone is welcome!

Participants may park their vehicles in the parking lot located on the northeast corner of the Mayville State University campus, just west of the Campus Center. The entrance to the Education Building is on the south edge of that parking lot.
