What to do if you test positive for Covid-19
What to do if you are notified that you are a close contact
Isolation (Positive for COVID-19)
Isolation is used to separate people with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 from those without COVID-19.
Students and employees who are in isolation with COVID-19 (cases) should stay home until it’s safe for them to be around others. Generally, cases will need to isolate for at least 5-days after symptoms develop, or test date if asymptomatic.
Quarantine (Close Contacts)
MSU has a minimal number of quarantine/isolation rooms available.
Students who are in isolation or quarantine have the following expectations:
- Students are expected to follow the guidelines as recommended by their healthcare provider of the NDDoH
- Students are expected not to utilize any of the amenities or common spaces including the wellness center, the fieldhouse, the dining hall, the Fishbowl, classrooms, etc.
- While you are in isolation/quarantine, meals will be delivered.
- You are required to work with your instructors to stay up to date on your assignments. It is your responsibility to reach out to your provider to determine the best course of action for missed classes.
Academic/Work Notification Process When a student is in quarantine or isolation, they will be provided with specific instructions via email from Campus Health, including instructions to notify the Student Success Director, Katie Richards, of their status and follow up with their faculty members (as they are able). Katie Richards will send a notification to the student’s faculty members once notified by Campus Health. The notification will not include any personal health information and the dates are subject to change. The student is expected to keep up with all schoolwork. If the student is unable to keep up with their tasks, they are responsible for contacting Katie Richards.