MSU Foundation Executive Board

Todd Olson - Chair

Tim Garrett - Vice Chair

Tom Capouch - Treasurer

Kathy Sawa - Secretary

Don Cavalier - Liaison to Alumni Board

Rhonda Nelson - Liaison to CAC Board

Jay DeCann - MSU Athletic Director

Brian Van Horn - MSU President, ex-officio

Lon Jorgensen - MSU Foundation Executive Director, ex-officio

Beth Swenson - Director of Alumni Affairs, ex-officio

Stacy Buchl - Development Association, ex-officio

Mark Olson

Tim Pratt

Lowell Nelson

Rachelle Fettig

Donn Hanson

Jim Lipsiea

Steve Lovas

Kelly Peters


MSU Foundation Board Members Members At-Large:

Terry Bachmeier

Dawn Cruff

Jon Ewen

Chris Lindberg

Connie Tharaldson

Joe Dunn

Lynn Slaathaug Moen

Nick Storhaug