The October After Hours social for women was held Monday, Oct. 24 at the new downtown Mayville location of The Wild Side Salon, Sharon’s Massage Therapy, Mandi’s Photography, and Mae’s Vintage Decor. Hostesses were Alison Gibson, Sharon Peterson, Mandi Evans, and Madison Ness. More than 50 women enjoyed the gathering.
The door prize of a purse filled with $50.00 worth of treasures was won by Char Gunderson. The purse was donated by Debby Haugen.
The next After Hours social is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, 2016 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Edson and Margaret Larson Alumni and Leadership Center at Mayville State University.
An After Hours social is held on the third Tuesday of each month, March through December. After Hours is sponsored by the Division of Business at Mayville State University. For further information, contact Rhonda Nelson at 701-788-5208 or Donna Gutschmidt at 701-788-4677.