Karyn Gall Hippen will be the keynote speaker at the “Take Back the Night” activities at Mayville State Thursday, October 10. “Take Back the Night” is a national event that advocates and promotes a united front against violence against women. Hippen’s presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 10, in the MSU Classroom Building Auditorium. The public is welcome to participate the activities.
At 8:00 p.m., following Hippen’s presentation, the “Take Back the Night” walk will begin outside the MSU Classroom Building Auditorium and loop around campus. Purple and blue glow sticks symbolizing domestic violence and sexual assault will be provided.
At the conclusion of the walk, refreshments will be served in the Classroom Building Auditorium, and Karyn Gall Hippen will be available for further discussion and to answer questions. Karyn’s book, “Make Me New, one woman’s fight to mend a broken past,” will be available for purchase.
In her 39 years, Karyn Gall Hippen has become a survivor, a person who has withstood the continual storm life throws her way. When Karyn made the decision to forego a future similar to that of her parents and siblings, she had no idea how rough the waters would be. Incidents of sexual abuse from her adolescent years haunted her, warping her view of her self-worth, resulting in a string of bad relationships based on one fact - the man claimed to love her. After suffering an abusive engagement, a miscarriage, and losing her best friend to a navy transfer, Karyn believed she’d found hope for a good life with a man who seemed the opposite of her first fiancé. But soon after marriage, she found her new life came with more difficulties than she was prepared to handle.
Karyn Gall Hippen uses her experiences to help others. It is her goal to let others know that if she can make it through the obstacles in life, anyone can. Karyn lives in Thompson, N.D. with her husband and three sons. She is the mayor of Thompson.