More than 40 women enjoyed the After Hours gathering held Tuesday, July 19 at the home of Pam Soholt, Mayville, N.D. Shirley Hanson and Mary Iverson assisted Pam as hostesses.
The door prize of a purse filled with $50.00 worth of treasures was won by Danielle Soholt. The purse was donated by Schela Gander and Linda Baier.
The next After Hours social will be held at the Mayville Golf Club, on Wednesday, Aug. 17. Hosts will be the Goose River Masonic Lodge members. (Please note change in regular social date.)
An After Hours social is held on the third Tuesday of each month, March through December. After Hours is sponsored by the Division of Business and Computer Information Systems at Mayville State University. For further information, contact Linda Baier at 701-788-2134 or Debbie Hagen at 701-788-3175.