August 30, 2018
The newest members of Mayville State University’s Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma were inducted Tuesday, April 24, 2018. Chapter officers, Sara Larson, president; Brenna Swanson, vice president; Megan Maassel, secretary; Morgan Karlstad, treasurer; and faculty sponsor Dr. John Pederson led the ceremony.
Alpha Phi Sigma is an honor society which requires that students have an institutional and cumulative grade point average of 3.50 and junior standing in order to be eligible for membership. Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, signifies the beginning of the search for the true values of life; Phi, the love of learning; and Sigma, service to mankind. The motto of Alpha Phi Sigma is “Joy, Vision, and Service.”
Following the April 24 new member induction, the Omicron Chapter officers for 2018-2019 were elected. They are Bethany Larson, president; Miranda Petersen, vice president; Marissa Schuldheisz, secretary; and Dawnelle Nerby, treasurer.
Caption for photo above:
Front row (left to right): Kellen Enget, Stanley, N.D.; Jacob Pladson, Hatton, N.D.; Dawnelle Nerby, Portland, N.D.; Courtney Erickson, Barnesville, Minn.; Bethany Larson, Grafton, N.D.; Sara Larson, Larimore, N.D.; and Megan Maassel, Fargo, N.D.
Middle row (left to right): Marissa Schuldhiesz, West Fargo, N.D.; Miranda Petersen, Mayville, N.D.; Brenna Swanson, Larimore, N.D.; Leah Schulz, Grygla, Minn.; Kaitlyn Nelson, Grafton, N.D.; Julianna Barker, Buxton, N.D.; and Allison Taylor, East Grand Forks, Minn.
Back (left to right): McKenzie Groth, Hawley, Minn.; Morgan Karlstad, Devils Lake, N.D.; Hannah Torgerson, Anoka, Minn.; Kristin Wright, Hillsboro, N.D.; Ali Schoneman, Wahpeton, N.D.; and John Pederson, faculty sponsor.