In order to be considered for admission, transfer applicants must meet the following requirements:

Transfer applicants who have completed 24 or more semester or 36 or more quarter hours of credit toward a degree program shall be admitted to Mayville State if:

a. They are in good standing [not on dismissed or suspended status] at their most recent institution attended.

b. Present a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale computed on all transferable work attempted at all colleges and universities previously attended.

Transfer applicants who do not meet requirements listed above may be evaluated on an individual basis utilizing a Supplemental Data Form and may be admitted based on this review. This review may include consideration of the following:

a. A review of the applicant's previous college transcript(s) and high school transcript to determine their previous academic performance.

b. ACT or SAT scores are not required for admission but may be submitted for scholarships and placement into courses.

c. A review of the applicant's previous academic record to identify and evaluate circumstances that may have affected the individual’s past performance and that may indicate potential recovery from poor academic performance in their postsecondary career.

d. An individual interview between the applicant and appropriate University staff to ascertain their potential for academic success at Mayville State.

e. Essays or personal statements submitted by the applicant.

f. Letters of recommendation from appropriate officials at previously attended institutions.

Applicants who meet the criteria for unconditional admission will be evaluated as application materials are received and notified accordingly of their status. Applicants who do not meet automatic admissions will be notified that their application is being reviewed and a decision regarding their admission status will be made by the Director of Admissions and will be communicated as soon as possible.

Any admission of a transfer applicant to Mayville State following the student's academic suspension/dismissal from another institution should be coordinated with the suspending/dismissing institution to determine any conditions under which the student may be re-admitted at that campus. These conditions may be considered before making decisions regarding their admission status.