MSU President's Column for Traill County Tribune
April 8, 2017
Thirteenth annual “Tables du Jour” event is April 22
“Wow!” will no doubt be the word of the day as women from near and far gather for the thirteenth annual “Tables du Jour” event scheduled for the morning of Saturday, April 22. The fundraiser will be held in the Mayville State Campus Center Luckasen Room. Kim Lauf of Mayville is organizing the event. She has been a co-chair of the event for each of the last twelve years.
“Tables du Jour,” or “Tables of the Day,” features elaborately decorated tables, each with its own special theme. Décor will range from fun and cute, to whimsical, to very elegant. Volunteer table designers have been encouraged to think “outside the box” and to create with wild abandonment. If past events are an indicator, that is exactly what they’ll do.
Volunteers have been asked to come up with a theme and to decorate a table. They will provide everything from the table linens, dishes, and silverware, to the many “extras” that will make each table special. They have also been asked to sell $25 admission tickets to others who will attend the event and have brunch at their tables.
A sampling of this year’s table themes includes “Kindred Spirits,” “Cannery Row,” “Lavender Blue,” “The Botanical Garden,” and “Elf on the Shelf.” One can only imagine the creativity, thought, and planning that has gone into preparing these tables
After guests have had about an hour and a half to browse and enjoy the table décor, they will take their assigned seats at the tables, and brunch will be served by MSU Dining Services. They will be assisted by Mayville State students who will be going to Japan on a research project from May 13 through June 14. Table designers will provide fabulous desserts for their table guests, as well as a favor for each of them to take home.
A silent auction will be a part of the festivities again this year. This activity is always a very successful component of a fun-filled as well as purposeful morning.
For the ninth year, organizers have decided to offer an open house tables preview on Friday evening, April 21, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. This will give those who aren’t able to attend the Saturday event an opportunity to stop by the MSU Campus Center Luckasen Room and be amazed by the whimsical, beautiful, creative, and fun tables. Refreshments will be served. Cost is $10.00 per person, payable at the door. Reservations are not needed. Thanks very much to Sheryl Vinje, Faye Helm, and Jackee Lerol for taking charge of this preview event.
Pulling off a spectacular event such as “Tables du Jour” takes an enormous amount of work and creativity. We are grateful to overall event chairwoman Kim, and to all of her helpers, including Betsy Ewen, Gaylene Johnson, and Bonnie O’Keefe, who are assisting with the auction, for all that they do to ensure the success of the event. And to the many table hostesses who jump in and give your all, “You are the best!”
For the last 12 years, the proceeds of “Tables du Jour” have supported the needs of the music department at Mayville State. We are happy to report that due to very successful past fundraising efforts, music scholarships are already funded for next year. The Annual Fund is the area of greatest need at Mayville State this year, and that is where proceeds of this year’s “Tables du Jour” event will be directed. It is exciting to note that every dollar raised through “Tables du Jour” will help all Mayville State students’ dreams of an education come true. This event is helping not only the music program, but all programs at Mayville State, to grow.
A limited number of tickets for the “Tables du Jour” Saturday event are available. If you are interested, you may call the MSU Foundation at 701-788-4750 or Kim Lauf at 701-261-5976. If you’re not able to attend the Saturday brunch, I encourage you to stop by for the preview on Friday evening, April 21. You’ll be glad you did!