In light of recent discussions of LGBTQ+ educational disparities in the United States, Mayville State University, North Dakota State University, and the Darcy Jeda Corbitt Foundation will hold the second annual Great Plains Affirming Campus Conference (GPACC) on Oct. 28, 2017 at Mayville State University. The conference theme is “Narratives of Visibility: What will our legacy be?” The public is invited to participate.
The purpose of the GPACC is to address issues related to campus inclusion of LGBTQ+ students by gathering LGBTQ+ individuals from the area for advocacy training and education, an opportunity to network in a safe space celebration of our LGBTQ+ diversity, Safe Zone training, cultural competency training, and networking for professionals (teachers, medical, etc.), and education for the larger campus community on LGBTQ+ issues. More information can be found at or on the GPACC Facebook page.
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of individuals, institutions, and organizations across the region, the conference is provided free of charge (including lunch) for those who attend. While there is no charge to participate, organizers are asking participants to register in advance. For more information, contact Dina at or 701-788-4650.