MSU President's Newspaper Column
June 26, 2021
Passion and dedication are central to Mayville State’s success
Mayville State University is special in so many ways, but the one that comes across loud and clear over and over again is the fact that we have alumni, friends, and employees who are over-the-top passionate and dedicated to “The School of Personal Service.” I am in awe of the enormous amount of support that comes in all forms and sizes.
On June 19, I attended the Comet Athletic Club (CAC) Mayville State Golf Classic Scramble in Detroit Lakes, Minn. I had the privilege of meeting all participants as they made their way around the course. Twenty-two teams of four participated in the event that is held annually to support scholarships for Mayville State student athletes. Golfers included alumni, friends, and Mayville State coaching staff. We are grateful to all who participated and to the CAC Board for organizing and running the event.
A golf tournament held annually in the Detroit Lakes area is a long-time tradition for Mayville State alumni. It began more than 40 years ago with a medal play tournament. Later a golf scramble was added to make it a two-day event. A few years ago, the medal play tournament was discontinued as scramble tournaments have become the choice of most golfers. Over the years, these tournament weekends have become like family reunions for Mayville State alumni. People put the date on their calendars each year and look forward to renewing friendships and catching up with their Mayville State family.
The CAC Board works extremely hard on behalf of Mayville State’s student athletes and the university. Members host bingo every Thursday evening at the Top Hat in Mayville. This means three or four of the members have to make the commitment to be present on each of those nights. That’s a big deal!
The Harvey McMullen Memorial Golf Tournament is also an annual fundraiser led by the CAC board. It will be held Friday, July 9 at the Mayville Golf Course. Find out more at The CAC will host their annual Sportsmen’s Raffle event on the evening of Farmers Bowl on Saturday, Sept. 18. They are currently selling tickets for the gun raffle. Only 500 tickets are sold, so there is a one-in-ten chance of winning for those who purchase a ticket. The event will be held at the Norsemen Hall in Portland this year and will include additional on-site raffles, as well as a meal and socializing. This event has been highly successful over the years and has brought thousands of dollars in support for Mayville State student athletes.
The commitment and dedication of the CAC board members is second to none. We are so very fortunate to have these volunteers on our team. They include President Mike Carr, as well as Steve Bensen, Lon Jorgensen, Ross Johnson, Vice President John Murphy, Secretary/Treasurer Rhonda Nelson, Tami Parker, Brian Halvorson, Brian Aune, and Miranda Petersen.
Another group that stands out is the Alumni Association board, which includes Cindy Petersen, president, along with Doug Anderson, Pam Soholt, Lucia Jacobson, Cleone Whelan, Herb Thomson, Wayne Nelson, Dean Krogstad, Kelli Odden, Ann Willeson, Teresa Agnes, Lori Nelson, Don Cavalier, Mary Cavalier, and Kelly Morrison.
This special group of alumni is always ready and willing to lend their heartfelt support, not only financially, but also with their helping hands. They host the annual graduation brunch, work with the Farmers Bowl, host numerous events, and so much more.
The Alumni Association’s current project is the Gardens of Remembrance on the grounds of the Larson Center. They have teamed up with Lute Simley to create a beautiful place that honors the past by incorporating architectural elements from historic campus buildings that were razed several years ago. It is a place where some can reflect on the past and where others can learn about the history of the university.
I encourage you to attend the grand opening and dedication event at the Gardens of Remembrance beginning at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 26. During the program, The Lyng Garden of Comet Pride will be dedicated in honor of Dr. Merwin and Myrna Lyng, Mayville State alumni and former employees who have supported all things Mayville State beyond measure. Please bring a lawn chair if you wish to be seated during the program.
We’ve just been through a challenging time related to establishing a balanced 2021-22 budget for the university. Some extremely difficult decisions had to be made, but we are doing the right thing to ensure financial health for the university. The future of Mayville State University is very bright. We have already made significant progress toward the university’s financial health and the recent decisions, along with growth in enrollment and the progress we’re making toward paying off bonds and notes, will take us a long way in getting us where we need to be. As we move through the process, we are grateful beyond measure for our employees whose dedication and hard work is vital to our success.
People - alumni, friends, and employees - and the exceptional work they do truly are the heart and soul of Mayville State University. We are blessed.