The Mayville State University Comet Athletic Club is sponsoring the raffle of a 125th anniversary commemorative shotgun. The one-of-a-kind firearm, a Franchi Instinct 20 gauge O/U shotgun, features an engraving of Mayville State’s Old Main on the stock and the Comet Athletic Club logo and the Mayville State seal on other areas of the gun. It is valued at $4,999.
Only 125 tickets will be sold, at a price of $125 each. Proceeds will benefit the Comet Athletic Club scholarship fund, which provides funding for Mayville State University athletes. The drawing will be held at the MSU Foundation Poinsettia Ball, Saturday, December 14.
Tickets may be purchased from Comet Athletic Club board members, at May-Port Hardware Hank, at the office of the MSU Foundation, and online at For more information, call 701-788-4687.
Mayville State is kicking off a year of activities in celebration of its 125th anniversary, which is officially November 2, 2014. Throughout the next year, there will be a number of activities held to commemorate the occasion, including three days of Alumni Day festivities, to be held in conjunction with Mayville-Portland’s Summerfest, June 20, 21, and 22, 2014.
Photo: Larry McGillis (right) purchased the first raffle ticket for the chance to win a one-of-a-kind shotgun commemorating the 125th anniversary of Mayville State University. Comet Athletic Club board president Harlan Johnson is pictured on the left.